Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fear of fire after kitchen fire?

We had a small kitchen fire is march, it was the stove and the bainets above it caught on fire. My neighbor is a firefighter and lucky put it out quick, but the fire was cause by me i turned the stove on high instead of off. I walled away for less then five mins when the alarm went off. The house was filled with smoke and my husband called 911 while i took the kids out thats where the neighbor saw and jumped in to help. But i was fillled with guilt i took the kids to my mother in laws house before the trucks got there. I cried alnost everynight for a week. Because we had to leave our home for 7 weeks the house was black and smelled. Our insurance cleaned and gave us a brand new kitchen of our dreams but i have a horrible fear of fire now. I spaz out whenever i hear a beep or my husband said omg in the kitchen and my heart dropped. Im starting to get ocd before i leave the kitchen i check for eveythjng off but i go back about teb million times to double check. I wont leave the kitchen if im cooking even in the oven. And at night i wake up just to check every room for fire. How do i get over this i hate it, i wont even turn the dryer on unless my husband is woth me idk any experines of the same thing?

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