Monday, July 18, 2011
How would these phrases be written using the Greek alphabet?
If you just want to translate a-b-g like α-β-γ, try changing to language of your keyboard to "greek polytonic" and you can do it by yourself. I guess you already know that this would mean anything in greek.
I have a problem.. but i am not able to figure out if its ocd..?
well..... i am doubtful if its ocd because i have all the symptoms of ocd except the fear of germs, which seems to be the most common one..... i have basically developed this fear of talking because of my fear of hurting people..... i record all my conversations so that i can listen to what i spoke and if i hadn't hurt anyone,you know, not said something wrong...... i literally record alllll my conversations..... and if my phone is out of space to record any more, then i panic and just shut my mouth..... i keep checking every one minute if my phone is recording..... i ask this friend of mine everyday if i said anything wrong..... i need reassurance that i didn't..... i keep checking on my family and friends as often as possible to make sure they are safe..... i always have these thoughts of violent things happening to my family and friends..... then i somehow try to contact the person to know if he/she is alrite..... by the way i record my phone conversations too..... all of them..... i keep asking my friends if they reached home safely..... then when i am talking, there's this part of my head telling me to tell really mean things and hurt my loved once though i know i would never want to do that..... its like i am only half present in the conversation..... and i count a lot too..... though i am trying to control it now..... i keep staring outside doors to make sure i don't close the door on my loved ones and insult them..... i have violent images popping up, not very often, but enough to disturb me..... pl help me out in figuring out what exactly is it that i am going through..... this problem has been only for around 1-1.5 years..... i never had problems like this before that..... well i am slowly getting over the aversion towards numbers and alphabets..... well there's this embarrasing thing..... there are images i have of inappropriately kissing the person in front of me though i DON"T want to.. its involuntary..... so i try and move out of that place..... it disturbs me soooo much..... do reply.....
I am worried about people not accepting me at a new church?
It is a new church that I have never been to before. None of my family go and both my parents are atheists except me. My neighbour also goes there and she hasn't seen me before- so she might wonder why I am there. My parents are lesbians as I am adopted and she might wonder why am I there. It will be really awkard because where do I sit if I am new? What if the neighbour spots me. There are also people from my school there and what do I say to them?
What do you wear to a concert?
I've never been to a concert before. I just got invited to this Lil Wayne, Travis Barker, Nicki Minaj, etc. concert and I have no idea what to wear. The concert is in the evening and I think it's indoors. Any tips are greatly appreciated. Thanks so much :)
Puppy won't stop barking at other dogs?
I have a 5 month old Border Collie puppy named Panda. She is a really good dog, fast learner, and she exhibits very controlled behaviour. She doesn't bark at strangers but lately she has been barking loads at other dogs. I think she just wants to meet them, but everybody dogs are really mean. She is a really loud, ferocious barker and it sounds meaner than it is. How do I fix this?
My dog is not acting like her normal self?
My dog is a westie and she is currently 7 years old, going to be 8 in december. She used to love sleeping and loved going outside in the sun and just lying down. You could tell when she was happy by her eyes and just how she walks around. This week, she has been very sad, and i could tell by the way she walks and her eyes and just how she never barks. before this week,she was a big barker. Everytime she tries to bark, it looks to me like she cant. She walks right now, very slow. She wont eat as much as she did last week and she wont growl or bite anyone that picks her up when she doesnt want to be picked up, she used to do that before. I miss the old her, i dont know whats wrong. Her eyes are sagged and she walks like something is wrong. i know her well enough to know there is something wrong. I really want to know whats wrong. I dont know if this helps, but it is summer, where i live. Maybe she has been out in the sun for too long but i dont know. I really dont want to spend a lot of money at the vet because i dont know if she is reallly sick or is just sad. i think it might have to do with fireworks and thunder because this week there were fireworks a few nights ago and thunder a few days ago. But we usually get those 2 things a lot, so i dought she would get sad over that. Your thoughts and opinions will be greatly appriciated.. Please share what you know about this situation, im a nervous reck.
If a lady who has been robbed chases after?
The purse in the shopping cart is still in physical proximity so the taking is a robbery. Since she got onto the hood of the car, the robber had not reached a place of safety so all continuing acts are a part of the initial crime. Erratic movement of the car is an assault - an attempt to inflict injury - and since the car is a weapon the whole thing is assault with a deadly weapon. When she falls to the ground the assault continues and the broken foot bone is a great bodily injury. The crimes are robbery with great bodily injury and assault with a deadly weapon inflicting great bodily injury. (There may also be a kidnapping since the victim was transported against her will.)
Sexual life when you have kids?
The kids take naps, have playdates at friends, there are baby sitters to take them to the park, you'll find a way.
Did the Rapture happen today?
I can't find my parents any where! I looked all over the my house and no one is here. Then i went to ask my neighbors if they knew where my parents were, but they never came to the door. My parents and my neighbors all believe in God and Jesus, so the only conclusion I could come up with is that the rapture happened today. I'm really scared because I don't want to be left alone. I use to make fun of God, but now I think it was a bad thing to do. Should i start praying for forgiveness now?
Activities I can do with a five year old to teach him how to read?
First of all, yes, you are the tutor, but his parents need to do their share. Expecting you to teach him to read with one hour of tutoring, no matter if it is daily or weekly, is unrealistic. The first step if for the boy to master letter sounds and some high frequency words. Play games like memory, bingo, or go fish (use letter cards and high frequency word cards) to help him master these skills. You can find a good pre-primer list of high frequency words online. He also needs to learn to blend sounds to read words. Start with simple 3 sound words (cat, hat, mop, cop, etc.). Flash cards are good, but try to make any activity hands on, engaging, and fun. Make is seem like a game. Mom and dad need to reinforce these skills. Have the child practice reading simple pre-readers (ex., "I can see the cat, I can see the dog, I can see the fish"...books like that. Let him practice reading the same book until he is fluent. You will need to work on concepts about print, too...does he understand the concepts of letter, word, sentence? You can work on these skills when reading simple books...but not every time you read. You don't want to destroy the enjoyment of reading or the comprehension. Finally, mom and dad need to read books aloud to him and ask him comprehension questions.
How do I become a tennis player?
I live in Rotherham, England, and I am 13 years old. I love Tennis, and would like to become a professional Tennis player when I grow up. I play it every week for about 5-6 hours, and have a really good forehand(I am not bragging, my PE teacher told me) and also my neighbour and another PE teacher have told me I am good. What do I need to do to become a tennis player. And if it helps, I have really good speed and stamina for my age.
I am located abroad, but I was a witness to several crimes commited by a man....?
Just show the cops physical evidence that you were at the time that those crimes happened so that the perpetrators can take be held responsible for their actions.
Can I have more than one neighbor deal in SimCity 4?
I set up a water pipe connection from City A to City B and accepted the deal in City B. Now I want to set up an electricity deal from City B to City A, but no options for a deal are showing up. Am I allowed to have more than one deal in this scenario?
Do you think my toddler has a speech delay?
He is going to be 3 in a few months. He spoke around 75 words by 24 months, then shortly after began combining 2 words together. He now speaks in 3-5 word sentences and has more single words than i can count. The concern is that when I hear him singing for example, he is so cute btw, he is singing let's say Barney... he will sing "i love you, you love me" blah blah blah, but he is kind of sticking his tongue out and it makes him sound strange. If you're trying to get the picture of what he sounds out, try to stick your tongue out and sing it and that is how he sounds. Anyway, sometimes his voice is a bit on the nasally side. Other than this, he understands everything I say and is very social and happy. He counts 1-15, knows alphabet and colors. Should I be worried here or does he sound on track? Thank you.
How to get a friends dog to spend time alone?
Don't be surprised if you fail spectacularly. Border collies need lots of mental stimulation, plus this dog is not used to being left alone. That's a recipe for instant separation anxiety, a sample of which you experienced in the damage he did to the door. You will probably have to resort to crating him and perhaps sedating him if he hurts himself trying to get out of the crate, unless you are game for taking him to a veterinary behaviorist to get him on Prozac or a similar drug.
Is there any level of responsibility an active member has over his dependents off base?
I would get in contact with their NLSO Office (JAG Office) to see if the command could issue a military protective order (which the equivalent of a restraining order) against the offending party.
Racial Profiling! You think I got a case?
I am the only Black on my block, I have a neighbor that has been harassing me for over a year now. He has called and went up to the code enforcement dept several times and went over the boss of boss to report that i was selling out of my home. Code enforcement has harass me by coming to my house 5 times to say that a neighbor keep reporting me. I dont sell appliances out of my home. I have a appliance store around the corner from my house, there is no reason to sale out of my home. I know that it is against the code to operate a business out of your home that is why I have a store around the corner. Today He was taken several picture of me and a person that came over to pick up a frig i donated out of my garage. There is nothing wrong in giving a person in need of a frig i no longer need. There is yard sales go on all the time and they get money for there items so what is the difference! He had told me I am depreciating the neighborhood. Im not doing nothing wrong and all he is trying to do is get me out the neighborhood. That same neighbor didnt say anything to the other neighbor that had a whole bunch of goats in the backyard. Him and his wife went over that neighbor house to go pet the goats. I am being racially harassed. Also this man is mean to my kids and when i first moved in this house i even wave at the man twice all he did was just stared at me!! do i have a case?? What you think?
Got a bad sunburn help me please!?
I got a sunburn today on my shoulders chest and upper back and a little on my face, its saturday and the fourth of july is monday. Im going to a cook out at our neighbors that we are really good friends with they have a son thats 4 and he loves for me to play with him and shoot off fireworks with him and i dont want to be in pain, what can i do to get rid of it or atleast make it a ton better. I dont want to peel.
Where can I find the dog laws in my city/state?
Is this what you're looking for: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
Could my 4 year old be gifted?
He could be gifted or he could be academically motivated. Both types are high performers. I have known kids entering Kindergarten reading chapter books that don't qualify as gifted. Anyhow, just continue to provide him opportunities to grow in areas he is interested in. Doesn't sound as if he will struggle. Do keep in mind that gifted children do tend to lag behind in either social or emotional growth so don't overlook that.
I'm mostly skeptical but something's bothering me?
i like the first link best. enjoy =P
Are you going to get Royce Da 5'9's Success is certain?
I will listen to the first track, just because of Primo, Meth, & Rae. The rest of the features look terrible, and I'm not a big fan of Royce, either.
Activities for 2 year olds?
I teach a class of 12 two year olds. I need ideas for things to do with them (games, projects and arts and crafts) that have to do with alphabet, numbers and shapes.
What PS3 games should I add to my gaming library?
Youre missing the main ps3 game, Grand theft auto 4, also you may want to add little big planet 2 and the call of duty series, also there is a rumour about manhunt 3 coming this autumn.
Lab or Dachshund????
I've known 3 Dachsunds and they all barked a lot, especially when they met new people or when they were left home alone, so I think you should get a Lab because they don't seem to bark as much. Plus, smaller dogs tend to be a bit more yappy, haha! Anyways, if you're home most of the time and you want a dog that's friendly with other dogs then I would also say that you should go with the Lab. I think that they are generally friendlier and can be more entertaining than Dachshunds. Though I love Dachshunds too because they're really sweet once you become friends with them and they have really soft fur and super cute ears! Also, Dachshunds get pretty stinky when they're older and the Labs I've known didn't smell as much when they were aging, so I would also pick the Lab. They're both really good dogs, but I'd pick the Lab. Hope this helps!
Why does my dog bark more than the rest?
OK, so I have two Rhodesian Ridgeback females. One I got from a breeder as a puppy who is now 1.5 years old, the other was a rescue that I got last March and is about 2.5 years old. My 1.5 year old girl doesn't bark much, only when she hears something that doesn't belong, otherwise, she doesn't even bark at the door bell or people we let in the house or even dogs we see on our walk. I have trained her so she leaves just about any person or animal alone when off leash. My other RR is a non-stop barker and I am struggling with this since I haven't really ever dealt with this behavior before. She barks at the neighbor kids, growls and barks at dogs we walk by, growls at people we walk by, barks at the door bell and growls at people until she knows they are OK. I left our door open with the screen door closed and someone rang the door bell and she literally launched herself at the door barking like mad, scared the poor woman to death, my other dog didn't bark but had her hair raised until I opened the door. How can I make my other girl stop freaking out? The rescue has no know info on her, she was simply found wondering around the city, skinny, sick, and looking desperately for something to eat.
Anticipated about joining a new church?
It is a new church that I have never been to before. None of my family go and both my parents are atheists except me. My neighbour also goes there and she hasn't seen me before- so she might wonder why I am there. My parents are lesbians as I am adopted and she might wonder why am I there. It will be really awkard because where do I sit if I am new? What if the neighbour spots me. There are also people from my school there and what do I say to them?
How to keep a dog from barking at night?
My dog, that i've had from about 8 years is an absolute sweetheart. Except, lately she's picked up a barking habit in the middle of the night.. She has never been a barker, actually, she doesn't even respond to some things that is normal for other dogs to bark at. She has only picked up this habit within the last week or so.. she has a nightly routine.. Which is why this throws me off so much. Every single night..she lays on the couch with us while we watch the news, she follows me to the bathroom when I brush my teeth, she goes to the kitchen and gets food and a drink of water.. Then we let her outside to go to the bathroom. Then she races with me down the hall to climb in the kennel. Lol. That's pretty in depth. but, that's her routine. It never changes. So, I wonder why she's been doing this. It has stormed a couple of the nights. which she is extremely scared of, but, even when it isn't storming, she barks. So, is there anything i can put in her cage or outside of it, to ease this? Anything to calm her fear of storms? Please and Thank you! =)
What dog breeds fit this description?
i have a bichon it is a barker but it got atacked by other dogs when it was a puppy it is only 11 pounds but he loves his walks and playing the barking you can probably stop when you get him as a puppy
Could i get high from the smell coming thru the window?
the neighbors were smoking tons of weed and i smell it every night and i get really weird feeling and i start talking really weird about weird things...........
Urgent Help: Statisitcs Exam?
The all encompassing answer is the best here, I love to quote Winston Churchill's bottom line ......'Never trust statistics unless you fiddled the figures yourself'!
Is it bad to ride a horse on asphalt or hardish -slightly rocky- dirt?
Asphalt is okay to walk on. It's best not to trot or canter on it--too hard for the joints. Hard soil with some rocks can bruise the sole of the foot if you are moving faster than a walk if he steps on the rocks. If its only a few small rocks then trotting or cantering are probably okay. You should always make sure your horse is in condition for the pace you ask to move at and the length of time you ride at that pace. Tired horses are more likely to injure themselves. Good luck with your horse.
20$ doller xbox 360 games to buy?
im not sure how much it is right now but battlefield bad company 2 is a great game. sorry i dont know any horror games other than what you have listed.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Which Actors who played in Westerns are you partial to?
My Favorite that you have listed was Is John Wayne, True Grit, Rio Lobo The Shootist ect. One you didn't list was Clint Eastwood, I think I enjoyed Eastwood a bit more in his westerns, like The Good, the bad and the Ugly and his other roles in these Italian Westerns and Non-Italian westerns like Hang em High
Poll: What would you do if you woke up one morning...?
... and there was a State Farm agent at the end of your bed with a teddy bear, Bob Barker, and a new car?
What should I do, really confused at the moment?
You walked in on your aunt and the next door neighbor going at it. Your next door neighbor is married to your moms childhood friend who is also 6 months pregnant with his kid. Should I tell or pretend I saw nothing?
If i get a hanging ceiling and thick windows, how much noise reduction do i get?
That is one way to soundproof and it does help. Here ere are more ways to insulate from sound. Check this out - a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
My mom is unbelievably rude to my friends. What do I do?
Sometimes my friends' moms will raise there voice at me, you know? But I brush it off my shoulder, no big deal. But my mom is very different! Like today, for example, she called my friend a liar to her face! Whenever I have sleepovers, we usually order pizza for dinner. My mom expects my friends to "pitch in" all of there money for the pizza- if they don't, they can't eat. She also insults my friends, and their parents, right in front of them! She says cruel things like "What bad parenting" and "She's always late". She'll make fun of them, and act like it's a joke. If my friend asks for food, she says "Go get your own food, you live down the street." Sometimes she even'll say that we aren't a homeless shelter! She even says that some of my friends are poor. When one of my overweight friends eats to quickly, she'll call them, sometimes me, a pig. She told me and 4 of my friends to get out of her house, and called us "Jack Asses" again, to our face. When she took a few of my friends and I to the beach, she refused to buy my friend a cheap snack. My friend hadn't eaten since breakfast, and my mom knew that! If my friend doesn't have money, she'll say "to bad" in a mean way. Once she almost ran over my neighbor, and didn't apologize. When my neighbor's grandma came to talk to my mom about it, my mom cussed her out and told my other neighbor/best friend that she was a brat. She's made all of my friends cry at least twice- even her best friend's daughter! On the other hand, I try and talk to her about it, and she says "to bad" and goes and hides in my dad's room. My dad doesn't try and stop it because he's afraid to- I think he's soaked some of my mom's behavior up, too! He always says no to things, and says "bummer". Anyways, my mom is even telling my friend's 8 year old sister to go home and feed herself. I'll remind my mom she's only 8, and she'll say that she's old enough to know better. To sum it up, I'm not sure why she's mean to them! They're not mean to her, and my friend's parents are really nice to me. I've started to treat her bad because she's mean to me, too! We've tried family councilors, but they don't work- my mom makes my friends sound like monsters, which they're not. My mom always has to follow the rules! For example, for some thing- I don't remember what- you had to have someone 14 years or older ride with you to go on this one thing. My friend who's almost 14, was going to ride with me, so it'd be okay; even the manager said it was fine! But my mom, HAD to complain, so we ended up canceling it. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't just that time. There's been more- way more! A side from that, she says I have tummy problems. For the past 10 year almost, she's been "researching" and going to doctor after doctor, complaining about my tummy problems! They all tell her I don't have them, but she doesn't listen; she just goes to the next one. In the meantime, she puts me on strange diets to help me lose weight- no citric acid, no milk, no gluten, no sugar, etc. The experts say it's not necessary, but she doesn't listen to them. All my friends hate her, and there parents, literally. I'm even starting to hate her! Thanks to her, I already have a nasty reputation and even nastier rumor going around about me all over the school district. I'm loosing friends every week it seems, and some of my friends even pretend they don't know me half the time! All answers are appreciated. Thank you! I want my mom to be nice. :(
I am really confused!! what do you think?
You should get some too man, but be safe. You may risk falling for her though, and feel used and abused. She is a skank.
Online jobs for teens?
Hi! I'm 15 and really need to start making money, but I working somewhere is difficult since I can't drive, and I don't have many neighbors at all. I was thinking freelance writing online would be interesting, even if it doesn't pay all that well, because I'm a very good writer and I would most likely enjoy it. Unfortunately, no one want to hire me to do anything for them when 15 other people who all have over a decade of experience apply also. Help!?
UUH help! two naked people in my frontyard?!!!?
Why do cats heart's beat so fast?
my neighbors cat feel asleep beside me today when i was sitting in the chair and its heart was beating so fast that it didn't seem normal. then later i checked on another one of his cats and that cat also had a fast heart. why do they beat so fast? is that why cats dont live very long cause their heart wears out?
Who is the best Drummer ever?
been a thrash/grind drummer for 20 years and still think BUDDY RICH is untouchable...just the way he plays and how relaxed he is...and please dont say travis Barker haha
Home partially built on my property?
I have put my property up for sale. I recently found out that part of the next door neighbors house is built on my property. when it comes to selling my property how does this affect me.
How do I write a C++ Program that converts entered text to a "secret code"?
Essentially, what I'm trying to do is write a C++ code that will convert entered text into numbers. For example, if I typed "Hello" then the program would print out the number of the letter in the alphabet. Of course that isn't the actual code, but I need the framework for it. So how would I go about doing this? To my knowledge, I can use a switch statement so that when the user inputs the sentence, the letters will automatically get changed to the corresponding numbers, but I don't know exactly how to set that up.
How do I meet him??! Please please help:) ?
I moved into a new house and I only have two really close neighbors I've met all three girls on the one side but there's two boys, one of which whom is about my age and I'd really like to meet him and I've Met both his parents but for some reason I haven't seen him come out and I don't know how to get his attention or introduce myself. How should I do it?
Good dog breeds for first time owners?
i always love boxers, but they are very energetic and needy. my sister has a boston terrier and that dog fits your needs perfectly. loyal, quite, well behaved, and not to small. the thing is solid muscle.
Can you record your neighbours and play it back to them if they're being disruptive and irritating?
It is illegal to record them without their permission. They are aloud to make a noise until 11pm after that you can call the police. UK Law
Are there any good darker fantasy adventure novels?
I have been reading many of the Warhammer novels but im looking for something more in the past with swordplay and wizardry but just about as dark as any Warhammer novel. I have read all of Kim Harrisons novels, guildwars novels and Brent Weeks assassin novels as well as a couple Clive Barker novels/short stories.
Baby Black-Capped Chickadee, What do I do?
My mother and I have been having serious problems with our neighbors cat lately and we had came across a nest the cat was getting into. We do not know how many baby birds had started out but when my mother retrieved them, there were four baby black-capped chickadees in the nest. My mother brought them inside, fed them some of her ground up kitten food which he uses to help her baby finches. She put them in her aviary with her finches. A few days later I noticed one of the baby birds was face first at the bottom of the cage. Mother said the baby bird was dehydrated and I had to quickly feed her water gently through a syringe. But it was too late and the baby bird died in my hands. Mother was at work when this happened so I took the rest of the baby birds that she had put in the aviary (Even though they didn't seem to have any signs of being sick) And fed them water through a syringe. I put the baby birds in a separate cage from my moms finches and watched them all carefully. The next day 2 more baby birds had died through that night. Mother told me about the colors of their waste and how they poop and pee at the same time. She told me that they are only peeing. There is no poop so that means they were dying from not eating and that they had been starving for awhile. She said that the mom and dad birds had left them. Now mom and I are panicing. 3 of the 4 baby birds has died and we can't get the remaining bird to eat. My mother is very good with birds and she had to resort to force-feeding him. She said its very dangerous but if we hadn't he would have died. So my question is, how can I help this last baby bird so he can survive? I'm at my wits end here and am scared he wont make it. He is old enough he is flying now but not enough to eat by himself. Will he start eating by himself soon? or do I have to show him how? What can I do to help?
Is the Donald just trying to boost his rating for his Apprentice show on ratings month?
Why in the world would anyone want a game show host to be President or leader of any nation? If so, I would prefer Bob Barker who looks more Presidential...
Should I learn another language?
Since you know Spanish and French, Italian should be pretty easy. German is more useful though, and it's easier to learn if you know English. Arabic can be even more useful if you're going to use it for work. And unless you're gunna work with Japan, don't learn Japanese.
Can someone help with Korean? for the Korean language, I have the alphabet down, but a few the character that's 'ng', you put it at the beginning of a word if it doesn't start with a consanant, but it's silent, right? Also...I understand that you 'stack' many characters per stack? I keep writing words then going back and checking but it's all wrong...can someone help?
Why am I receiving gibberish texts from Facebook?
It started about a week ago. It's a combination of letters (mostly from the Russian alphabet), numbers and symbols. I want this to stop! Anyone know how? It would seem like unsubscribing from all my friends Facebook SMS updates would solve the problem...but I dont necessarily want to do that. HELP!
Does anyone die on Whale wars?
Has Anyone died on whale wars yet. i have seen all the way up till they are stranded by the ice berg and have to wait the hours before the bob barkers get there.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Im considering upgrading my drum set. What should I get?
I currently have a ddrum diablo punx 5-piece. I am a good drummer and the styles I play consist of Rock, Punk, Alternative, and Christian. Im looking into the Travis Barker signature kit from OCDP. What kit do you suggest i get? price range: under $ 1,000.
Sims 2 Apartment Life help?
Every time i move my sim families into an apartment, the neighbors are always outside and they never go into their apartment. When this happens, their needs go down and it pretty much annoys me. Is there away to get them into their apartment? Is this a glitch? What can i do to fix this?
How Much Is This Nes Collection Worth?
The NES is probably about 40 - 50 dollars, the games are worth about 3 dollars each. Probably $125 or so.
Questions about Polish Pronunciation?
Try where you will be able to interact with native speakers of the language, both speaking and in text.
Does fiproguard plus for dogs (like frontline) wash off after swimming in pool?
We applied it last night to our 3 month old puppy. He fits through our neighbors fence to their pool so they asked me if i wanted them to teach him to swim to the stairs in case he ever falls in. i totally forgot about the Frontline. Will we have to reapply it? or should i ask our vet?
Is this ok to wear being outside?
ok im in my early 20's. me and my husband who is the same age. so this what i had on. since its my own yard and home im wearing a skimpy bikini the bottoms is a thong but im wearing some old short shorts(daisy dukes). unbutton then i just had on my bikini top only. since im 5'5 120lbs and my bust is a 38c cup. so i tend to have more cleavage. well my neighbor who is a female comes over to our fence line and said to me you should not being wearing that cause your boobs and don't look right and i thinks its ugly on you. well i was shocked what she said how rude of her. well she is not as skinny or have the body like i do. but i wouldn't say that to any one. i should of toke off my short shorts and stayed in my thong bikini bottom and she what else she would say.
Is 666 the number of Nero?
According to the hebrew alphabet? If so, why is everyone worried about the antichrist if the real threat John was talking about was Nero's persecution?
Khmer/Cambodian letter translation?
I am planning on getting a Tattoo with my first initial alongside my 3 cousins in Khmer script. I know that Khmer is NOT a direct translation of the english alphabet but I would like to find the best comparable letters. the letters are "RRGM" I know that in khmer there are letters that sound like "mo" "ra" and "ro" which are three I definetly need, but I have not been able to find something like the "G" sound. I would appreciate the help!!
What price is right episode is this?
Alright i know this is pretty random, but i have this old price is right episode in my head. Back in the days of barker there was this contestant on contestants row who guessed the price of a grandfather clock perfectly. heres the catch, before bidding on the clock Bob said something like well what do u think the price is and the guy said "bob i know the exact price of that clock" and placed his bid. So everyone bids in and the bells and whistles go off for the exact price of the item. And bob looks astonished and this dude who looks like a trucker straight from the 80s (mustache and mullet included) has a look of complete and total stone faced confidence. and bob looks at the card and sees that it is mr. trucker who has one the clock. and so the trucker walks up to bob all calm and bobs all excited for some damn reason jumping up and down asking the trucker how he knew the correct price and how impressed bob was, and all our space trucker had to say is.... "wheres my $500 Bob?". It was epic and i must watch it again. somebody shoot me a link on youtube or a nice play by play article on the subject. I must experience the glory that is the mullet master once more.
Can someone mark my practice English GCSE Answer?
Good points but you need to back them up with more evidence and quotations! Remember to use 8-10 in your four question answers to get that A/A* and include an overview at the beginning or end! Do not make the same point about him being lonely too many times. Include different points.
Why do people use the race card? Your opinions?
I can understand if someone really does get discriminated against that is understandable, but I have had 2 situation where I have gotten told I was racists - all because I look 'too' white according to some people. I, myself, am actually Mexican although I don't look like my dad - I look like my mom. Tonight I got called a cracker/whitey from my upstairs neighbor and was told I was racists all because I politely asked them not to be hammering so late(11:15/midnight). After I explained I wasn't racists and I was actually Mexican she backed off. Frankly, I don't care if she is black, white or purple as long as she respects others. Just curious in your opinions why people tend to go to the race card. My cousin on my dad's side pulls the I'm mexican card and deserve this, this, and this a lot. A good friend of mine who is african american/mexican/white always tells me she is entitled to more due to all the struggles of our ancestors. Just never understood why people do it? Unless it is Truly called for which I have seen on a few occasions.
What to do about our neighbour's dogs?
Write a letter to them first expressing your concerns, asking them to do s/thing about the noise. Their lifestyle arrangements though are nothing to do with you.
Is handing out cd's on the street of your own music illegal?
A buddy of mine is a rapper, caucasion, both me and him are, and I help him promote, and we just started promoting his first demo cd that is professionally recorded at a local studio with 9 tracks. We went to a nearby city near our home town after a big rap concert was over, Lil Wayne, Niki Minaj, Travis Barker, and Rick Ross, and walked up and down the street handing out free demo cd's to people walking to their cars after the concert was over. We just said, check this out, free demo, let me know what you think, I'd appreciate it. Some took the cd and some did not? We did not hand out to many, but the cd's we did hand out to half of them happened to actually be local rappers where they were from, and one random person worked at the club, where the after party was going to be at after the concert, and Lil Wayne was going to head over to that club after the concert. We didn't know he even worked at the big hip hop club, just randomly happened to walk by his car, so we got something accomplished last night. You never know what hands the demo cds got into, but some of them were rappers. Don't know too much about the business laws of the music business and promotional laws, but can a local artists just walk the streets of a city, or sit at gas stations, and hand out free demo's? I wouldn't think it is, but I know a local rap artist here, and she has her own music booth that she pays money for to use at a flea market to sell her cd's and to promote. A group of black people in a Capris happened to be rappers, and I went up to their car at a gas station, and they said we are rappers, and one dude said, I hope you aren't bull shittin us, because I don't look like a rapper or anything, my buddy is, and I said no, he is tryin, just appreciate it if you would check him out, so we did get some negative vibes when we trying to hand out demos. My buddy still has to grow, but he's got some songs that go really hard with real talk and good lyrics, just that a couple people were skeptical and didn't take a cd from us. Would there be like a fine or something, cuz there were cops up and down the street, by the collesium the concert was at when we were handing out the demos?
Where can i find a copy/paste version of the American Sign Language Alphabet?
I'm looking for a website or something that can let me copy and paste characters that look like the hand gestures used to sign the alphabet.
French help Sentences?
Hi. i want to learn how to write french and i have no idea how. i look up on the computer french alphabet but when i try to make a sentence it is the same as English. is there something im doing wrong
What is kanji, hiragana and katakana?
I understand that they are the Japanese alphabets or something but what are the differences? Why are there three, each under different names - what are each used for?
What does it mean when my laptop wifi bar has a yellow triangle with a black exclamation in tha middle?
i have no inernet but i have a laptop im friends with my neighbor i asked her for tha password and she gave it to me i tryed it and it work but it has a yellow triangle on top why and it dosent let me connect to the inernet ?? Why how can i fix it?
In california, what are the laws for shooting guns in the country (outside city limits)?
we have one neighbor next door, we do not shoot away from their property... Is it legal and how close can u be to a building/house
Who will Trump supporters vote for now that he has proven himself to be a carnival barker?
I would be mad if I had been defending his arrogant butt this whole time just to be laughed at by all the long time Trump observers who warned everyone that Trump is a self promoting liar that will never change.
Hunns, will she go to jail?
Hunns, my maid recently got into a brawl with one of our neighbor's goats and had to appear before a judge. When she came home from the trial today, she said that her lawyer had an emergency and had to leave halfway through the trial and so she is going to get a brand new case. Well, I'm no legal expert, but don't you think that she should put more focus on getting her charges dropped and less on worrying about buying new luggage?
How do I get the cyrillic alphabet on my keyboard (UBUNTU)?
I use the USA-international setting for Spanish accents, but I need the cyrillic alphabet now, too. What would be the most convenient way to switch back and forth?
My dog is acting weird. He's growling at thin air. It usually lasts 5 seconds and ends in a grunt or bark.?
He's a 7 year old Shih Tzu who's never been a barker or growler. He seems non-aggressive when he does it. No teeth bared or anything. His behavior doesn't seem to be directed at anyone. He does it when I'm in the room and when he's alone. He does it when he's looking out the window or facing the middle of the room. He's been walked, fed, cuddled, and let out play today. I keep shushing him but he's persistent. What could be causing it?
How do I stop my dogs from barking when I'm out?
I have two small terriers. The older dog (13) has always got stressed when I go out and neighbours have told me she barks. The younger one (3) is far more independent and doesn't get stressed, but the older one sets her off. I don't leave them often but I don't want them (or the neighbours!) stressed when I do. Any suggestions please?
Should I bring her.........?
I am going to drive 10hrs to get my new puppy as I want to see the parents and were they live I know she is a very reputable breeder. I want to get a border collie puppy I have one now and im VERY attach to her as she is to me also (she doesn't have separation anxiety though) I want to know if I should bring her to see how she gets along with the puppy ,but im not sure if I want her to have to withdure that long trip....also we will be staying in that state for a week because me and my mom are going to take it as a vacation also ,and I don't wanna leave my dog with my dad or without me for that dad loves her a lot and even tells her come to paw-paw which is shocking Sense he doesn't really like dogs accept pitbulls and they lived in the yard he doesn't like her outside he wants her in his lap he even doesn't like me to keep collars/harnesses on her as she ''need to be without them for a break every other day'' so I got her a microchip because he likes ot take them off while im not in the house ,don't ask me why. Well I know she will do great with him but a week is to long for me to be away from my baby. should I take her with me I know she will need ot be put in her seat belt and be let out every other hour to potty and get exercises and she loves to ride in the car ,but should I let her ride that long.....I know people take dogs on road trips and all I am just not sure if a 10hr long drive would be good for her even....we will take a break at a motel/hotel after Driving about 6 hrs then get a motel.hotel once we get their. My current BC will spend every minute with me my mom and the puppy as we are just going to go site seeing in the mountains. another reason I thought I should take her with me is because she usually get 3 miles a day with my dad she would get nothing but running in the yard/house because he fell off a 3story building and it hurt him to walk for long distances well not at the moment it doesn't but his feet will swell up afterward because he landed on his feet and shattered the bones in his feet(doctors wanted to do surgery because they thought he would never walk again). She does great in new places as long as I am their and if she did have to sty in the hotel room for a few House I think it would be fine because shes not a chronic barker ,she is actually very quiet. I will write this big because I don't think people will wanna read all the way down to hear sooo........THE BREEDER SAID SHE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE TEX COME ALSO SHE WASN'T TO SEE HOW TEX REACTS ON SHEEP FOR THAT WEEK AS SHE HAS NEVER BEEN AROUND THEM. THE BREEDER IS JUST AS EXCITED AS I AM SHE JUST SAID ITS ALL ON ME IF I WANNA BRING HER WITH ME. I will be getting her the 2-3day of being their because it will take a day to get their and sleep then the next day will will go look at her then the next day we will purchase her if Tex gets along with her then we will go site seeing.
Khmer/Cambodian letter translation?
I am planning on getting a Tattoo with my first initial alongside my 3 cousins in Khmer script. I know that Khmer is NOT a direct translation of the english alphabet but I would like to find the best comparable letters. the letters are "RRGM" I know that in khmer there are letters that sound like "mo" "ra" and "ro" which are three I definetly need, but I have not been able to find something like the "G" sound. I would appreciate the help!!
Answer to Quixote. Comments/Critiques are inevitable, please?
It's not about being scared - more like facing what's scary and dealing with it - by crying over trivi-ya or maybe playing cards close to the chest. In this one I see ya. I enjoy creating evil forms in the dark to scare me but they don't for I made them, it's just a dreamer's past is a liver's (sic) past time. And dying? It happens to everyone. And not reaching "it"? no one anyway so far's been able to. I guess we reach the end together, we make steps in cadence, and if someone's ahead, he waits. And if one is left behind, we all wait for him.
How to stop cat from attacking me?
I'm cat sitting for a neighbor they r gone for 4 days and this morning I whent to feed the cat she wouldn't let me near her I barley was able to change her food without her clawing me she wouldn't let me touch her water or go to where I need to to change the litter box... At the end of the visit her pupils were dilated ... I don't need her to like me I just need her out of my way... I have to go back later HELP
Poll: Mrs. Lovett or Beggar Woman/Lucy Barker?
We have this costume thing for drama... No need for detail. If I dress as Nellie Lovett, I was going to get some sort of desert that people will want to eat and label it "Priest." If I dress as the Beggar Woman, I am going to go up to random people and try to scare them. Haha. I have to try to act like my character no matter what. By the way, it is from the broadway musical, not the Helena Bonham Carter, the greatest actress of all time, movie version. This poll is just to see what you guys think, but I'll take any costume ideas you have.
Very, very strange neighbor! Any assistance?
Well, last night I was watching T.V. in my apartment. My living room is right near a big window which overlooks the balcony. And I noticed something moving rather fast in the corner of my eye, so I looked to my right and noticed my neighbor whacking off against the balcony. When I looked he didn't even run away. He just kept going and got more aggressive with each stroke. After about 3 seconds I panicked and closed the curtains. Then I ran to the phone to call the police. By the time the police arrived he was already gone. I pointed out his door to police so they could arrest him. The police left and came back about 5 minutes later and said that they think I got the wrong guy. They then said that I could file a police report. But that's it. So I gave them the description and they said that my neighbor definitely wasn't the guy. But I know it was! So anyways. It's over now but I'm kinda afraid to be here now because the police officers never did anything. Any suggestions?
What to do with all these old records and 45's?
All i can say is that they are mostly 100 years old so they are unique and rare to find,my advise is to buy them and save them for a huge sum as there are people who will pay a lot of money for those..
Is a Sheltie suitable for apartment living?
I'm looking into getting a tri color Sheltie puppy but currently reside in a tiny one bedroom apartment. I live a very active lifestyle (I own a horse that care for daily) my dog could enjoy 40+ acres and I also enjoy daily walks so my dog would get plenty of exercise! My only concern is that they can be barkers, but my dog would also never be left home alone because my mother will ''babysit'' while I attend school part time. I really enjoy the Sheltie breed, but will a smaller breed like a Pomeranian or Papillion be more appropriate?
How to deal with annoying neighbors?
I know your trying to be nice, but with people like that, you have got to be firm with them. tell them to turn it down or you'll call the police. I have spiteful neighbors and they have learned that I don't take Sh*t. sorry for the lauguage.
How long can a dog last without water outside?
I left my dog at around 8 this morning with a full bowl of water and tied up in the covered patio. Its about 105 degrees outside and I won't be home till around 8:30 PST tonight and I'm worried she might be in trouble right now. I can't leave work and the neighbors are out on vacation. We have a pool but I don't think she can reach it since she's tied up. Our patio is pretty cool and has alot of shade but it still worries me. What should I do?
Why is Sergio Martinez is fighting another unknown and unranked Middleweight fighter Darren Barker?
Well right now he has been claiming that he will not fight above 160, but when he soon realizes that there is nobody other than Felix Sturm, who refuses to fight anyone with a pulse, there is nobody at 160 that is good enough to fight. Arum would never put Chavez Jr. up against Martinez, too much risk too little reward. Cotto is a draw in New York and has potential fights with Margarito and Chavez and has too much to loose by fighting a much bigger and as well faster middleweight. Martinez will be fighting at 160 maybe for two more fights, until he turns it up to the hottest division in boxing at 168 with guys like Froch, Ward, Bute, Kessler, Dirrell, and Abraham.
How much impact and influence does nat fleischer and the ring magazine have in boxing's history?
The ring magazine is without question the leading authority in sport of boxing, Since 1922, he ring boxing magazine has always kept boxing fans informed on the current linear champions and challengers as well as upcoming talent in boxing. Followers of the ring boxing magazine are fully aware that the publisher and founder Nat Fleischer was partial to the fighters of the 1890's, But that has never affected recognition of who the linear champions are..nuff said !
What is the complete setlist for Lil Waynes I am Music Tour 2011?
Going to the concert on Sunday and want to make sure I know all the songs that are going to be played! Please let me know ALL the songs that are going to be played (by Nicki Minaj, Travis Barker, AND Rick Ross) (meaning not just weezy's songs)!!
If it's okay for people to do that, why isn't it okay for the home owner to do this then?
If a person's neighbors keep letting their cats outside to roam and their cats keep coming onto a home owner's property and killing widlife that they worked to build a habitat for, and the cats keep digging in their gardens, leaving feces on their walkway, coming up to the windows and driving their dog crazy, and otherwise being a nuisance and trespassing, then why wouldn't it be okay for the home owner to let their dog (who hates cats) outside when they see trespassing cats if the dog never leaves the home owner's property?
Friday, July 15, 2011
I can't find out what language this is: ދިވެހިބަސް?
I found it on Wikipedia and am not sure what it is. It looks like a cross of Arabic and East Asian to me, and when I put it on Google and Bing translate for auto-detect, It could not find the language. Google said that "it could not yet translate hawaiian", but I thought hawaiian was written using the lattin alphabet, Like fijian. I'm so confused! Please Help Me!
How to get along with my cousin?
Well if its you starting all the fights, you should understand his condition. And since its just a one day thing, try to hold your tongue. Then you guys wont argue and the day will be better. I know its hard, but it works.
Was Obama hinting that Donald Trump is a "carnival barker"?
He all but called birthers retards. Yes, he meant Trump was the carnival barker and the rest of you are the circus.
Are there any f,h,j,q,u,v,w or y in the greek alphabet?
Also I know there are 2 p's the Pi and Psi and 2 e's Epsilon and one other what is the other e please.
Is it the friend zone, or the date zone, and how can i make it thr date zone?
So, I like this girl ALLOT. It's truly indescribable with words. But here's some background info. Were 13 (I don't give a **** if you think were too young) we've been neighbors (about 3 houses apart) for 9 years. We've had an ok friendship until sixth grade. It got better, and I had liked her for a year. We got to be good enough friends I was gonna ask her out, but school ended and of course she stopped riding the bus in 7th. I saw her once on a field trip, and she told me her deepest secret. Something nobody else in the world knows. She stopped returning my texts, and I ended up sending this to her as a last ditch effort: hey you haven't answered my texts in a while and I never see you everything all right? She didn't answer, so I gave up on her. But one week later (3 days ago) she texted back explaining she was grounded. We talked for about an hour. And so on. For the next few days, we've texted for at least two hours a day. There wasn't any flirting, but it was friendly. So do you think I am friendzoned, or have a chance. If you don't answer one of those two, don't answer at all. Thanks! Also, she hasn't had a boyfriend for a while, and I know this, so thay wouldn't cause ANY of this.
Is my friend completely ungrateful or what?
Yesterday was his birthday so me and my two friends baked him a cake, made him a cute ugly card with a nice picture of the four of us on it. yeah, sure it wasn't the best present, but we tried as we had no money. It took us hours. We went all the way to his house through the city with the cake on a tray. When we called his apartment his parents ignored us so we waited until a neighbor would let us up. It took us about an hour to get in to his house. When we got there he was like guys, I was sleeping... He said the cake tasted like **** and made up an excuse as to why hE couldn't go out. He didn't say thankyou... My friend nearly cried, and all he said was some friends you guys are. But he said it not seriously but not really joking...
Cat Is Misbehaving! PLEASE HELP!!!!?
My husband and I had four animals. Two cats, one is 6 yrs and the other just turned 1yr. And two dogs one is 8yr and the other 1yr. Our cat that is 1yr old is always into everything. Boxes, bags, plants, etc... He is very curious and playful. That is how he earned his name demon because he truly is one. Well last week my neighbors found a chihuahua puppy in a store parking lot dumpster. They brought it home but it is scared to death of their 3yr child. So they brought it to us. (before anyone jumps to conclusions about having 5 pets I live on 5 acres and have no children so our animals are well taken care of and have plenty of room to run except the cats live indoors only due to coyotes) Anyways since bringing the puppy into our home our 1yr cat has been worse than ever and I think it might be because of the puppy but the cat has lived with 2 HUGE dogs that chase and play with him everyday and this puppy doesn't even weigh 2lbs. And when I say he is worst than ever I mean really bad! He has started tearing a huge hole in the cat food and dog food bags so they spill out on the floor. He has literally tore up every toilet paper and paper towel rolls in the house due to him getting into bathroom and kitchen cabinets, and with his new found skill of opening cabinets I woke up this morning to all my dry goods out of the cabinet and shredded on the floor (I mean every single one that he could possibely shredded was in little bity pieces). Worst of all he is breaking my blinds in my windows. I have now replaced 6 blinds for the low low cost of 120 dollars. The weird part of it all is that he goes around howling and he is fixed. I love him to death but he is driving me nuts and I fear that he might get worse and tear up my furniture or worse yet start peeing on things. If that happens I will have to get rid of him and I don't think I could bear to do that because he it "my" cat. I have brought up the idea to my husband that we rehome the puppy but we took the puppy to my moms house for a night and even with it gone for 24 hours he still continued to destroy my house. He is so loving but I don't know what is causing his behavior or what I can do to help him. He hasn't lost attention that he normally gets and he still follows me everywhere. Also every morning him and I play before I even get out of bed. The puppy is caged at night like the other dogs in a spare bedroom and the cat still sleeps next to me. The puppy doesn't torment him by any means. I think the puppy is scared of the cat seeing he is 10lbs bigger than it and avoids it at all cost. Has anyone dealt with a problem like this??? Please I am desperate for help I lost over 30 dollars in food from my cabinets and I installed child locks on them for a cat!
Any computer whizes out there. Need your help?
Sounds like you need to update your keyboard drivers. If you go to you can enter your make and model and find the correct drivers.
Why is the alphabet in that order, is it because of that song?
The (Latin, I assume) alphabet is in that order because it came from the Greek Alphabet, which came from the Phoenicians, etc. I also believe that the North Semitic Alphabet was a parent alphabet for many classical and modern alphabetical systems. The song was just invented to help children learn the order.
Neighbors are lighting fireworks 1 am?
These neighbors light fire works all the time SUPER LATE and i have to wake up early, who can i call? Not 911 since its not an emergency but who?
Why Was I Arrested For This?
Like 4 weeks ago, I was being followed around Sears cause I kept farting and cropdusting the store and customers were leaving. They threatened to kick me out so I told them that if they touched me, I would stick a salami so far up their a$$ that Bob Barker would be singing French to a Beagle and watching Dumb and Dumber in Spanish. Cops came and arrested me. $500 bond. Said I threatened them. whatever. i hate laws
I need some advice about sex,drugs, and alcohol.?
Weed makes you paranoid weither you are aware of it or not so it can increase any kinda scared feeling you have. Dnt worry about things like "Is my pecker to small" "or what if im no good", that could definalty be the problem. If she is wanting you she wants you just do it.
Rap & Hip-Hop: List and rate every hip-hop release you've heard from this year?
Ima be 100% honest.. im only listening to 80s and 90s rap right now.. im just in that phase.. Ive heard exactly 0 releases from this year.. But once Nas drops things will look differently
What is a seven-letter word that contains two S's in a row. Drop the S's to get a five-letter word that means?
the sane as the longer one. What is it? Hint: The same letter of the alphabet immediately precedes and follows the S's in the longer word.
My neighbor creeps me the heck out!?!?
Okay, he's a crazy black guy (no racial) that does drugs and has anger issues. He lives in the apartment above me and smashes crap, plays his music and tv loud at night, when I say night, I mean 1-3 am. About 2 weeks ago he freaked out and TRASHED his apartment. He threw crap around for about an hour, my dad called 911 and the police told him to stop, he disappeared for a week and a half and he's back and at it again! He scares me. NO TROLL. For real.. as I type this he is watching tv loud as crap. How can I ignore him/make him stop?! *DON'T SUGGEST I HAVE MY DAD CONFRONT HIM, MY DAD IS A BUFF DUDE BUT MY NEIGHBOR IS A CRAZY MOFO*
2 year old toddler - Not calling anyone?
holy crap he is just 2, you might want to worry about that when he is 5 or 7 but 2 is young to worry about anything like that
Worried about joining a new church?
It is a new church that I have never been to before. None of my family go and both my parents are atheists except me. My neighbour also goes there and she hasn't seen me before- so she might wonder why I am there. My parents are lesbians as I am adopted and she might wonder why am I there. It will be really awkard because where do I sit if I am new? What if the neighbour spots me. There are also people from my school there and what do I say to them?
Did Travis Barker get famous from being in Blink-182?
Im sure of it because he was considered the best drummer when he was with Blink 182 and Blink was an Icon to teenagers
Does this mean I didn't forgive them or was this unforgiveness that I wasn't aware existed?
Get out of this situation immediately. Look for a crisis center, leave home if you are of age. Good luck.
Did you hear about the WBC protest in Lawrence KS in KU ?
Blessings all of these things sucks, according to the old folks this World is coming to an end . Some people are just out of order they should keep they private life style behind closed doors.
I have a mix between Alex Gaskarth, JB, and Billie Joe Armstrong hair. Should I cut it shorter?
I'm a 17 year old dude that's trim and kinda tall. A lot of people describe my hairstyle and dress as a happy medium between Alexander Gaskarth, Justin Bieber, and Billie Joe Armstrong. Recently i've been wanting a Travis Barker-like mohawk, which some people say they'd love, and some people say would look really, really stupid. So I would like some help with this, and i'm sure you fine people could help quite a bit. So, what should I do? Mohawk, or long brown messed up hair?
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Bo Burnham Lyric in "Ironic"?
What's the meaning of the Bo Burnham lyric "Bob Barker got all of my pets pregnant." It's supposed to be ironic but I'm not sure I get it...
Does being able to read Japanese help to speak it?
I am going to start learning Japanese and I just wanted to know if knowing the alphabets and getting to the point where I can read Japanese helps to be able to speak it too? I would like to be able to write, read and speak Japanese but I just wanted to know if they are two completely separate things to learn or whether being able to do one helps to do the other. Thanks x
My neighbours each side of me are freinds and use my garden as a play ground?
I have these neighbours that are using my garden as it is there own they keep running threw can I stop them from keep come into my garden by putting a new gate and having it locked
How many time has the phrase "come on down" been said since 1972?
This is for you number junkies, Bob Barker did 6,732 shows 9 contestants were called down on each show and the show is on 5 days a week. So if you add the current shows (after Bob's retirement) in how many times has the "come on down" phrase been said since 1972?
Tips on making out? please answer?
That all depends on what's going on at the party. If you're drinking, you might feel more adventureous.When I makeout, I start off with a long slow kiss and then shorter, small open mouthed ones and just go with it from there. There's no real way to do it, you just go with what you give eachother.
Is there any place i can learn the korean alphabet?
Rosetta stone doesn't really teach you how to read the Korean letters and words only how to pronounce it. Why pronounce it when you don't even know what it means? ha ha. I know what some words mean by the visual aids they give you, but still..
How far can one indulge into the dark side....?
Well, you must understand, writing about something dark doesn't give a reader as much of a fright as seeing it, like in a movie. Sure, it's not appropriate for gentle minds, maybe, but it's not technically as scary.
Is 26 too old to learn Hebrew and convert to Judaism?
It is never too late to convert to Judaism but to properly convert is a very difficult process than can take years to complete. Because of this however converts are often the most respected people in a Jewish community. Christians went off the path by following a false Messiah. Come back to the religion that got it right and you will be doing the right thing.
Should you trace the abc's when kissing or not?
ok, so one of my friends is going to get his first kiss, and he asked how to kiss, i said you cant tell someone how it will just come naturally, and my other friend said just trace the alphabet with your tounge, so duz that like really work?
Can some1 explain to me what second order partial derivative is and how to find it?
Assuming that z is a function of x and y, the first partial of z with respect to x means to take the derivative of z treating x as the variable, and y as a constant. The second partial, means to do the same thing to the first partial with respect to x. Same for second partial with respect to y; just treat as a constant, and take the derivative twice. You should know that there are also "mixed" partials, where, say, you first take the derivative with respect to x, then with respect to y - or the other way round. Clairaut's theorem says that for most nice functions you will end up with the same answer, no matter which order you choose for the mixed partials.
How to legally park In a cul de sac?
We live in a cul de sac and their is a lot of questions about how to park. We live in a town home (all homes are connected together) no lawn separating the homes. We have a 1 car wide drive way that fits 2 cars. If their are 2 cars in the drive way how should a 3rd person park? Just park directly behind the other 2 with the body of the car slightly out in the cul de sac? We live in Virginia beach, VA (hompton roads). If that makes any dicerence. There is almost no curb to park parallel to because all the houses are conected. We had a friend parked behind us and a neighbor hit his car while he was parked. They blame him partially for being "illegally parked" is he actually illegally parked. They could have gone directly back had plenty of room to turn and leave the cul de sac. Almost everyone in the cul de sac parks like we do.
Looking for cheap toy poodle puppy for sale to me as a certified companion dog?
I know this is the breed I want, and I know it is not ever a cheap breed. But something CHEAPER than what most go for is what I'm looking for. It must be a female, must be a puppy (which I consider under 1.5 years old) and must be a toy poodle. Color of coat is irrelevant to me; I prefer the black pups, but like I said, I really don't care about her coloring. She must be calm, love to be held and petted aaaaaall the time because I'm a very affectionate gal with the dogs I've owned before, and she shouldn't be much of a barker because I live in an apartment building. I'm going to buy puppy pads to train her on, and she'll have oodles of toys and sweakies and fuzzy things to play with because she will be living with me and my boyfriend.
Grandma keeps babbling about the time Bob Barker asked her if the price is right. What should I do?
Well, philosophically speaking, her mind is residing in another dimension (i.e. "the past").
I hate where I live and the people here?
Do you have any best friends, teachers or relatives who can give you a place to stay?? Tell them about your problems..I think they will help you after hearing your touching your stories. If your family is concerned about you, they will try their best to look for you if you are not at home for more than 2 -3 days. If your family has never tried to look for you, I think you should not go back to that home anymore. Try to move out, strive for your own future first, once you succeed, then only you go back to see them. Meanwhile, you can also change their life by moving them out to a more appropriate place to live.
Who here thinks Blink 182 would be better if they didn't have such bad singers?
I like the instruments. I mean travis barker is a amazing drummer, the guitar is good for mainstream music and so is the bass. But the bassist has such a plain boring voice. And the other singer has a super whiny voice.
New dog: Excessive barking, aggression, and wonky ears.?
When we had a dog that would bark constantly, we had to buy a bark collar for him. You can get them at pet stores and they can help you get one for the size of the dog. You would think they would go hoarse after awhile, but they never do.
God endorses slavery, infanticide, murder, genocide, rape, and human sacrifices does this make them right ?
The bible is full of god commanded atrocities that nowadays look like what Saddam Hussein did to his northerly neighbors the Kurds . Now do you think it's okay to believe in a book and live by a book that clearly worships and adorns a god who supports these evil deeds ? I am interested to know how so many people have convinced themselves that child sacrifice is " OK " so-long as done in the name of god ? And if these biblical events can be justified by gods intermission how convenient indeed ? Go ahead if you can't handle it just call it a rant and think about it tonight when you can't sleep and come up with a way to convince yourself you are right . ARE ATROCITIES JUSTIFIED IF THEY ARE DIVINELY WARRANTED ?
My best friend's dad is hates my guts?
So a few weeks ago me and my friends were hanging out at my friend's house and then after like three weeks later his maid tells my friend's dad that i threw a glass bottle in the backyard. Aparently my friend told me to throw it to the neighbors yard so i did and then i think i missed the fence and it came back to his back yard. and his grandpa found it and he tells my friend's dad that i did this. and now i cant go watch xmen first class with my best friend. in the past his dad hated me now i cant hang out with my friend dammit. HELP ME FIX THIS DAMMIT@
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
I like him, but he has a girl friend! What do I do?!?
I like this guy. He is friends with the neighbor and I really have found myself liking him. He has a girlfriend and I know it sounds really raunchy to try and take some girls man but as far as I can see he is only with her because she will kick him out if he doesn't. She goes out every night and goes to clubs while he just sits at home. I know that really isn't my business but it is just to verify i am not just trying to take a guy from his girlfriend because I am mean or something. I need to know how to get him to see me more as a girl friend and less of a friend. I have never in my life tried to take a guy away from another girl but I really like him and think he deserves better than that girl. Any suggestions on how to make him mine??
Will Maravilla destroy Darren the Baker like there's no tomorrow?
Darren is a non factor but I thought he was given Darren, not chose him. Wasn't he appointed him by the comission?
I forgot the movie title?
I forgot the movie title and the actors in it. the movie had a scene where one night the man goes out and steals his neighbors' plots of grass and lays it out on his own. It was funny because the next morning when the neighbors' come out to get their paper or go to work they notices that there were chunks of grass missing from their lawn. Then we get a shot of the man and his lawn where there are patches of dark green grass, brown grass, light green grass scattered on his lawn.
Girl flakes but reschedules then ignores me?
I was talking to this girl i like and just happened to mention we should hang out before college starts and she was like 'yeah! we can this week!' so i was like sweet maybe shes into me. I texted her later that week telling her i was free that weekend and we made plans and all that and then when the day came as i was about to go get her shes like its a bad time to go to the lake we were going to to due to the fourth of july and then goes 'lets see a movie, i invited my other friend too. well just meet you there.' the girl she invited i also knew from high school. i said ok what time, and she said actually we might not be able to go anymore cause my mom wants me to do something with my neighbors, lets do it tomorrow. It may be just me but that was an obvious lie in my opinion, but I left it up to her to make the plans the next day but got ignored, and she never contacted me. why did she do this? what do i do now, just act like its no big deal and not contact her til she contacts me?
HELP? Friends with benefits?!?
It seems like he wants you all to his self. NOT IN A GOOD WAY. Look at it like this, he stopped being friends with benifits because he never felt the same way, yet when he thinks your in a relationship he goes mental and wants to be friends with benifits again, which will probably lead to you gaining feelings again and him fobbing you off. It looks like he just wants you to be his and have that sort of attention of you without having strings attached which isnt very good. If i was you, id tell him you JUST want to be friends and to ask him to come over and make it clear, JUST FRIENDS.
Why should I learn phrases for German? Why can't I just speak word for word?
Are you seriously asking why you should learn proper sentences in German while claiming to know the German language?
Alphabet in Japan: is there an alphabet in japan??? Did japan ever invent an alphabet??? where the alphabet?
They have a phonetic system. In fact they have two, hiragana and katakana. But they're called "syllabaries" rather than "alphabets" because each symbol stands for a syllable (ka, mo, tsu, etc).
Is this a good idea for a possible novel?
I would well read that book! Im really into myths and history things in novels, and so are many other people I know! If you wrote and published that, I'd probably spend about �14 on it :) Please, go ahead and write it cos it will be a success if its done just right! You could turn it into a series of books, like where you spread the story over three books? Each book would be about 300 pages long :) I'd say over all there would be three books with your story in it. That way, the reader isn't overwhelmed and put off by a book with masses of pages (as most people wont buy a book if its like really thick) and it will result in more profit for you if each book was priced at even �10 :) Good luck! I'd love it if you contacted me while you are writing the book to get a second opinion on some stuff?
My neighbor asked to share my internet connection and split the bill:?
Question 1: Is this legal? and Question 2: If I agree to this, will he be able to access my personal info ie; the "keep me signed in" social networking sites, read my emails, etc.?
How to make an 8 alphabet sign display?
I have to submit it as my electronics project. Please list the requirements and procedure to to make one.
How long does it take to learn korean?
it all depends how "wanting" you are to learn. if you have the goal of learning korean, then stay focosed on your goal. and time will tell :)
POLL: why why why do annoying neighbors do this?
Because they're selfish. Mine like to light fires then leave them unattended (they almost set my yard on fire once, I had to call 911) and leave their goats and donkey out (then get pissed at me because my dog attacks the goats when they get into my yard). Also, they seem to get great pleasure out of allowing their huge dog to roam the neighborhood, and he is not a friendly big dog. He once came into my yard and commenced to growl at me for opening the door.
Can any one recommend a good dog breed?
I'm thinking of getting a dog, and I'm not sure what kind to get. I don't want a real big one cuz I live in an apt and it wouldn't be fair. Nothing bigger than a cocker spaniel but not a cocker spaniel, that was my last dog and I want something different. Not a shedder, or a barker/howler. But something that has a decent amount of energy, that will be playful and peppy and not shy away and hide. But I don't want a dog that's gunna be a hyperactive crazy thing and bark at every one and scare them (that was kinda my cocker spaniel lol) It has to be good with people, kids and other pets (I have a cat). And not prone to any major health problems.I realize I'm contradicting myself so, sorry lol But if anyone knows of a dog that matches that description even some what I'd like some ideas :).....oh and I think I'm leaning more toward the small size. ok tell me what you know and what you recommend thanx :)
Poll:How do tell a guy nicely, "Its never going to happen"?
My next door neighbor keeps messing with me and even told me that if I spend one night with him I would never want anyone else, but he is like old (32). How do I tell him nicely that its never going to happen so stop.
Looking for a book a disturbing book?
Looking for a mentally disturbing book, ive read stephen king, clive barker, the inferno and a few other authors and books. All of them seem like childs play i want something scaring.
Fingernail polish remover in my eye!!!!!?
I have no water at my house and I have no neighbors and no form of transportation so I don't know what to do I melted some ice and flushed my eye with a cup full of water but I don't think that did enough please help!!!!!
How would you appoarch someone about asking them to keep their kids away from your dog?
It must be awful to have to live in that situation.Keep your dogs near and dear to you. .,,,Don't blame the kids,,It sounds like your neighbor is very irresponsible with her children..Maybe if it doesn't work with the parents,,,,you could talk very very nice to the kids.Educate them on the possible danger of walking up to any cat,dog,etc. and it is not nice to tease any animal or person..a they are animals and don't think like us,and you never know what may happen.ya know like if an animal is eating ,chewing on a bone,and there's always the jealous issue when it comes to our dogs.Tell them your only saying this because YOU are concerned for their safety and don't want them to get hurt.(sounds like the parents don't care)Tell them you want everyone to be happy and have fun everyday and that includes your dog.s..maybe you could use an example like "you know how it feels when someone is bugging you like your sister or brother?"Well, I think that'.My doggie wants to play with other dogs not kids.. and it bugs him (them) when you guys throw stuff at them.."You don't like anyone throwing things at you do you?".and if you could just please play elsewhere i would be happy,you would be happy and my dogs would be very happy.Why don't we try to make each other happy? I know it sounds silly but,.if the parents won't listen,try to get the children's attention in a kind way,and talk to them in a kind way. I know you love your dogs,don't allow anything bad to happen. If the kids don't belong in your yard,let them know where they should play ,because that's where they'll be safe and your dogs will be safe. If they do what you ask,maybe you'd like to buy them a lollipop or something give it to them as a reward and Thank them and tell them how proud you are of them and point out how much better it is for everyone to be in their own space and happy? If all else fails,you may want to go to your landlord and explain the problem to Him or Her.Good luck to you
Can someone cut down a tree on my property with just a visitors approval?
My ex husband was at my house painting for me, he doesn`t live here and has never lived here, I have owned this house 12 years, I was sleeping because I work nights and my neighbour saw him outside and came and asked him if he could cut a tree on my property, my ex said sure, the neighbour knows he is not the owner of the house, do I have any recourse for him coming on my property and destroying it or was he entitled to seeing as someone on the property even though they dont live here or own the property said ok?
Why do police ask drunk drivers to say the alphabet backwards?
On reality tv police shows I see this often. I'm told I'm fairly intelligent IQ etc - at the least I'm average. Do most people say the alphabet backwards? I don't drink ever, and I honestly can not do it. Maybe 5 letters then I have to go through it from the start to say the next five backwards. Am I slow?
How to say what in Japanese?
I need to know the right way on saying the word "what" in Japanese, I know that it goes along the lines of "Naneiyo" or something like that but I need to confirm it as I cannot find a good (i.e. reliable) Japanese Kanji-to-English-Alphabet translator on here.
What kind of photo editing technique is this?
It's likely that some of the elements have been shot in a studio & layered into the background scene. Either that, or there's lots of off camera flash going on.
3 yr old classroom decorations?
I have a very small clasroom, but need ideas on how to spice up the decor in my room. So far this is what I have up: birthday cupcakes, helper chart, alphabet, colors/shapes/# chart, and I have lots of cork strips to display art work. Any and all suggestionsvto spicing my room up is appreciated. I can purchase things, or make them with our supplies.
How can I tell the neighbors to shut their dog up without getting into a lifelong war?
i had this problem with my neighbors it was driving me nuts cause i have 2 toddlers who would be napping and they have a hound and it would bay and bay and bay i would be going crazy and the kids would not sleep. it would cause my dogs to growl (cause they know they cant bark unless someone is by or near our placeso mine would growl) so one day i went and told her to please stop her dog from barking its driving me cray as nicely as i could. she said she doesnt know how thats why she had not stopped him so i gave her some suggetions on how to do it and i havennt herd him sense. some times that works sometimes it doesnt if not you can call animal control or the cops for a noise complaint. ggod luck hope that helped
Am i friendzoned, or will i be lucky?
So, I like this girl ALLOT. It's truly indescribable with words. But here's some background info. Were 13 (I don't give a **** if you think were too young) we've been neighbors (about 3 houses apart) for 9 years. We've had an ok friendship until sixth grade. It got better, and I had liked her for a year. We got to be good enough friends I was gonna ask her out, but school ended and of course she stopped riding the bus in 7th. I saw her once on a field trip, and she told me her deepest secret. Something nobody else in the world knows. She stopped returning my texts, and I ended up sending this to her as a last ditch effort: hey you haven't answered my texts in a while and I never see you everything all right? She didn't answer, so I gave up on her. But one week later (3 days ago) she texted back explaining she was grounded. We talked for about an hour. And so on. For the next few days, we've texted for at least two hours a day. There wasn't any flirting, but it was friendly. So do you think I am friendzoned, or have a chance. If you don't answer one of those two, don't answer at all. Thanks! Also, she hasn't had a boyfriend for a while, and I know this, so thay wouldn't cause ANY of this.
Big dogs, small dogs~ aggression~?
just find a home for her without any big dogs, she should be fine. some small dogs are intimidated by bigger dogs, and the poor little thing is probably shell shocked, she has went from being outside her intire life with no interaction to inside with these HUGE (they seem like a huge threat to her) dogs coming at her, she is just trying to protect herself. just let her know that its ok, and dont bang her cage it will only intensify her behavior. just let them fight it out...a little dog cant do much to your bigger dogs. and when she stops and calms down give her a treat and then she will realize...if im calm and non aggressive around other dogs then i get food! yummy. thats how dogs work. i hope i helped!
What legal document did penelope barker sign?
i have to do a social studies project that is due friday and can not figure this question out please and i need the answer by tomorrow :(
How do I soundproof my room?
One cheap way is to line it with egg carton, flat bit touching the wall. Or if you're any good at diy you can put up a studded wall with a cavety between the 2.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Fingernail polish remover in my eye!!!!!?
I have no water at my house and I have no neighbors and no form of transportation so I don't know what to do I melted some ice and flushed my eye with a cup full of water but I don't think that did enough please help!!!!!
I learned a new written language! what do i do now?
If it's a language you made up and you're the only person who knows it, you can't really do anything with it. I really don't think you should write school reports in it.
Fear of fire after kitchen fire?
We had a small kitchen fire is march, it was the stove and the bainets above it caught on fire. My neighbor is a firefighter and lucky put it out quick, but the fire was cause by me i turned the stove on high instead of off. I walled away for less then five mins when the alarm went off. The house was filled with smoke and my husband called 911 while i took the kids out thats where the neighbor saw and jumped in to help. But i was fillled with guilt i took the kids to my mother in laws house before the trucks got there. I cried alnost everynight for a week. Because we had to leave our home for 7 weeks the house was black and smelled. Our insurance cleaned and gave us a brand new kitchen of our dreams but i have a horrible fear of fire now. I spaz out whenever i hear a beep or my husband said omg in the kitchen and my heart dropped. Im starting to get ocd before i leave the kitchen i check for eveythjng off but i go back about teb million times to double check. I wont leave the kitchen if im cooking even in the oven. And at night i wake up just to check every room for fire. How do i get over this i hate it, i wont even turn the dryer on unless my husband is woth me idk any experines of the same thing?
I had sex with my neighbor! OMG help!?
Well I was at the pool at my apartments and my neighbor was there. She is what people would call a milf. She is about 35 and has children that go with their father. Well she was at the pool and I was swimming and she starts doing stretches like leaning down and spreading her legs. I knew she knew I was looking. Well as she is leaving she calls me and ask if I have time to go to her apt. I said yes and things took they're course from there. Now I feel nervous when I see her but why? I didn't do anything bad. ( If you don't have anything to say but call me a troll go screw off because the troll is really the person who calls someone else a troll)
How many shapes, colors, numbers, etc. does your 2 1/2 year old know?
Just wondering. Mine knows quite a bit and the alphabet, but wondering how he is compared to the general toddler population. He knows most colors, counts to only 14 and a few shapes. Thank you.
Need help! Ideas to put text on top of cupcakes?
i used the same idea for one of my friends birthdays as well. What i did was covered the cupcake in a buttercream base coat that i then smothed over and added food colouring the remaining buttercream and used a thin piping nozzle to ice on the letters. but make sure you have enough letters because i ended up haveting to put C on my second to last one and then 'hloe' on the very last one
Is it possible, or am i friendzoned? [long but ten points]?
So, I like this girl ALLOT. It's truly indescribable with words. But here's some background info. Were 13 (I don't give a **** if you think were too young) we've been neighbors (about 3 houses apart) for 9 years. We've had an ok friendship until sixth grade. It got better, and I had liked her for a year. We got to be good enough friends I was gonna ask her out, but school ended and of course she stopped riding the bus in 7th. I saw her once on a field trip, and she told me her deepest secret. Something nobody else in the world knows. She stopped returning my texts, and I ended up sending this to her as a last ditch effort: hey you haven't answered my texts in a while and I never see you everything all right? She didn't answer, so I gave up on her. But one week later (3 days ago) she texted back explaining she was grounded. We talked for about an hour. And so on. For the next few days, we've texted for at least two hours a day. There wasn't any flirting, but it was friendly. So do you think I am friendzoned, or have a chance. If you don't answer one of those two, don't answer at all. Thanks!
I wasnt drunk but this woman keeps telling my mum i was? what should i do?
so yesterday i had a party, but since i didn't get any sleep the day before i was asleep for most of it (yes i know, im such a party pooper:p) well anyway, my next door neighbour complained and asked to speak to me since my friends were being loud, obviously being suddenly woken up i was abit puffy eyed and droopy, so my friend was pushing me toward the gate to talk to her, and this lady thought i was drunk? and i told her this and shes telling me not to make things up and now my mums in a huge mood with me:/ what shall i do?
Can I rent some cheap land somewhere and just pitch a tent there & live there?
Try camping in the available parks or campgrounds in your area. But be aware they do have a limit to the amount of time you can spend there.
What is the process of eviction in Virginia?
Unfortunately, I live beneath a very inconsiderate neighbor with two yappy little dogs who constantly run up and down the hardwood floors. She stomps, the dogs run, her guests are loud in the hallway, and the washing machine runs nearly constantly. Her dirty HVAC was leaking into my closet, but she couldn't be bothered to answer the door so I could tell her. Since she will not answer the door and goes out of her way to ignore me in the common areas, I've had to take my complaints to the HOA, who has shared them with the landlord. Apparently, she is a less than desirable renter. I was informed by the neighborhood manager that the landlord was taking steps to evict her. This was well over a month ago and there are no signs of her leaving. I'm not sure if she may have worked something out with the landlord, but should I give up hope after this length of time?
Loudness of co2 airsoft pistols?
i'm getting into airsoft and i want a co2 pistol; however, i have a small backyard, so i don't want to attract attention. I was thinking about getting the crosman airmag c11, because it would help me not get unwanted attention from neighbors if my gun is clear. I have never handled anything co2 before. Can you please tell me how loud they are? like on a scale from one to ten. or a comparison with another noise.
I am worried about joining a new church and accepting jesus?
It is a new church that I have never been to before. None of my family go and both my parents are atheists except me. My neighbour also goes there and she hasn't seen me before- so she might wonder why I am there. My parents are lesbians as I am adopted and she might wonder why am I there. It will be really awkard because where do I sit if I am new? What if the neighbour spots me. There are also people from my school there and what do I say to them?
Why aren't REAL weapons used on whale wars?
Such as why doesn't the Japanese "Research" (Whaling) vessels arm themselves with guns and anti-ship weapons? Why doesn't the Steve Irwin and the Bob Barker Arm themselves with guns and explosives? What if they tossed grenades instead of stink bombs?
Who are your favorite horror directors?
John Carpenter is my favourite, but also rate Tobe Hooper, Sam Raimi, Peter Medak and George A. Romero
Cannot open a Gmail account?
Used to have Gmail; but I also got tired of persistent problems with login. Use Yahoo Mail instead. :)
Will the mom cat find her kitten?
We have a stray cat and her kitten that come up and eat on our porch. The mom cat left her kitten on our porch this morning, the kitten is about 8-9 weeks old. My mom went out their and accidentally scared the kitten away, we think he's either around our house or our neighbor's house under a bush somewhere hiding. The mom cat came back and is now sitting on our porch like she's waiting for the kitten. Will she be able to find him around our house or will the kitten find her???
Which "artwork" would be better for us to make?
Me and my partner were asked to make an "alibata(prehistoric alphabet of the Philippines)" out of anything we can think of. One of the things i suggested was to make it a design for a t-shirt. Another is to make it out of or carve it out of a styropor. Can you think of better ways of how we can make this? Thank you!
How do I ask to play with people at their house?
You have to get them to not hate you first. Then you have to get them to not just tolerate you, but like you. The rest will come naturally.
My ipod touch still wont connect to internet!?!?
Whenever I try to connect my wifi network it says unable to connect to network. Its a secure network and I typed in the right password for sure. I went 2 starbuck and tried to connect to there wifi and it said cant find the network and I know they had wifi there were other people there using the wifi. And I tried to connect to a neighbours network that wasnt secure and had no password and it said cant connect to network. I turned on wifi on my ipod and did everything it told me to do but I still cant get it 2 connect. I have no idea wat else 2 try. It wont connect to any wifi anywhere.
Name to go with a Kiera:)?
I already have Kiera Eden Louise Barker. I have thought about Macy, Isabella, Hermione and Ingrid. My preference order would be Hermione, Isabella, Ingrid, Macy. My other half wants to name her (due august) Hermione or Isabella, I like those, but prefer the other two. Any of your own suggestions or thoughts on these will be much appreciated:)x
Which Alphabet Do The Japanese Use As A Default In Games?
All three "alphabets" make up the language. Each one used on its own isn't sufficient to convey any meaning.
Television True or False question about The Price is Right(Seasons 31-38)?
Rich Fields was the announcer until 2010, when he was replaced. I looked up Bob Barker, and they said he did the show until 2009, which is wrong, I thought he left in 2008. Then I looked up Drew Carey, and they had him starting the show in 2007, which I think is also wrong, because Bob and him can't overlap each other 2 years doing the show. I think Drew started in 2008. Rich Fields and Drew Carey only worked together for 2 years, from 2008 to 2010.
I am confused and angry... What should I do?
A few weeks ago, I met my best friend's neighbor for the first time and he is very good friends with her. We fell for each other almost immediately and did some things in his room that night which I regret... Then I stopped talking to him for a while but recently we have started talking again and have hung out a few times. Well, this isn't the problem. The problem is my best friend. She has been acting differently and strange and has kind of stopped talking to me since, or just giving me b*tchy replies. She tried to tell me that he told her he liked her the day after I first met him. But I asked him and he said that never happened and he used to like her but not after he met me. He tells me she isn't talking to me because she has a lot of messed up things going on in her life right now but I found out last night that she spent the night at his house and cried to him about it all... she doesn't even want to talk to me, her best friend. So should I be jealous.. angry.. confused? I don't know what to think about this. She had always encouraged me to get with her neighbor and said she wanted me to be with him so I doubt she likes him... But I'm not sure anymore..
Become thinner than i already am?
no dont go a few days without eating. just dont eat so much fast food and energy drinks. energy drinks are super bad for you and are loaded with sugar. as active as you are you dont need energy drinks, you need water and powerade. so just eat healthier foods that arent fried and fattening and lay off of the soda. you should be fine :)
How to bypass xfinity account set up page?
I just moved into a new home and I haven't had internet set up, so I am sharing my neighbors. After it connects to internet, it will only go to xfinity homepage and ask for my account number( I believe this is a comcast website) it will not let me nagivate to anyother site. How can I surf the internet and bypass this page?
Neighbor/Etiquette question?
No, you did fine. If they do it again, threaten to call te cops, or have some firearms with you, even an airspft gun with the orange tip removed. If they are lesbians, they will most likely be liberals and they will flip out. Then say like in Gran Torino, "Get off my lawn."
Help insane Neighbor might hurt me or my child!?
the man next door is a manic he has this giant german Shepherd barking all day and even after i started poisoning its food the damn thing still won't shut up today was the last straw my son was playing outside when the dog started barking at him my poor child ran to me and said " mommy i'm scared of the evil monster " so I grab my shovel and pounded that worthless soulless devil dogs skull into the dirt until it looked like a truck drove over its head with its tongue sticking out. the mans just come home so am i in my rights his stupid mutt scared my child his also a racist i think because his for ireland or one of those FOB places
I hired my neighbour in my business. Big mistake...?
File a law suit for Libel if she is using written documentation of any sort, or Slander if it is verbal.
Arn't Musicians Such Sell Outs Now?
Like travis barker now is going with some rapper and like paul mccartney i find them such sell outs, i liked lennon though much after he's amazig
What is a good picture somewhat exact picture of what a boxer/blue heeler mix look like?
My blue heeler (girl) went to the neighbor's house and got pregnant by their boxer dog. I googled what they might look like but theres soo many dogs that don't look anything alike so I was wondering if anybody knew of what a kinda somwhat exact picture of the dogs would look like.
How can I soundproof an apartment bedroom home studio so I don't both neighbors?
I'm turning an apartment bedroom into a home studio and if I am playing and recording late at night I do not want to bother neighbors. How can I go about sound proofing such a room in the most effective way. Product suggestions and installation techniques would be helpful. Thanks!
Got a bad sunburn help me please!?
I got a sunburn today on my shoulders chest and upper back and a little on my face, its saturday and the fourth of july is monday. Im going to a cook out at our neighbors that we are really good friends with they have a son thats 4 and he loves for me to play with him and shoot off fireworks with him and i dont want to be in pain, what can i do to get rid of it or atleast make it a ton better.
I got in a bike wreck today and my wrist feels out of purporiton, what could be wrong?
I was riding down the hill at high speeds and I was turning into my neighbors driveway, and I hit the bump on the side and flipped (later my best friend and I measured, I flew 13 feet..) and landed in a rock patch. Anyways, my legs are really bruised and I landed on my wrist (and on my stomach, I felt like I got punched) and it's been acting weird. I can bend it okay but it hurts if I put alot of weight on it, I'm wearing a wrist brace right now and that seems to help.
What do you think of the new song 'Freedom for Palestine'?
Atheist here. Obviously the video is very one sided but we can't deny that these people are being killed, their homes destroyed, discriminated. Some are not totally innocent either but I reckon they have it a lot worse.
Ashamed of my religion?
It is a new church that I have never been to before. None of my family go and both my parents are atheists except me. My neighbour also goes there and she hasn't seen me before- so she might wonder why I am there. My parents are lesbians as I am adopted and she might wonder why am I there. It will be really awkard because where do I sit if I am new? What if the neighbour spots me. There are also people from my school there and what do I say to them?
How should i approach my father about his behavior towards dogs?
This is a problem with your parents, your father particularly. Maybe he is addressing problems he feels with you through your dog. In other words, he can't abuse you so he abuses your dog. I don't think you will ever be able to change anything. For your mothers sake leave your dog at home or find a good boarder for when you will be visiting. Your father obviously is not going to change, he may have mental problems an dyou are not a psychiatrist. Please don't involve an innocent dog in this.
What is the difference between a Hasselblad and another pro camera like Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III?
I have noticed in TV shows that most Professional photographers (Rankin, Nigel Barker) use Hasselblads rather than the common Canons or Nikons. Is there a specific reason for this or is it that they just prefer that make?
I Have An Elderly Relative Who Needs to Plan For Later...?
Look into an assisted living community. They are not like a nursing home, much more independent, but there is help with meals, cleaning, and some will even supervise (but will not administer) medication.
What are the best ways to learn Japanese at a better?
There was a study that showed that ppl who spoke English and then Spanish and then Japanese had a much easier time learning quicker. It's very hard to go straight from English to Japanese because the sentence structure is ap different and there are no cognates
I need a title for my business. Ideas!!!!!?
I am opening a limo company and I need a name. I won't be using any exact names i'm just needing some ideas. I want to center it around autism because my brother has autism. We would like it to start with a letter at the beginning of the alphabet. We are going to donate part of it to the autism society. It would be a non-profit company.
Why are fireworks illegal in Oregon?
Why are Large fireworks illegal in Oregon? It's all just wimpy kiddo fireworks that you can buy. I'm staying a few nights in Portland and they seem to be real anal about large fireworks. My friends neighbor got fined over $2700, for setting off large fireworks and I guess the cops found a lot more fireworks in his house. The only fireworks that are legal in Oregon are wimpy little sparkler type of fireworks. It almost seems Un-American to me. during independence day they probably set off large fireworks, not some wimpy ground fireworks.
Why does he act like he is embarrassed that were friends?
I`m 15 and my neighbor (around the block) is a 13 year old boy. We have known each other since he was born and we`re pretty close. He comes over and spends the night a lot and we talk when he`s over. He begs his mom to drive him to my house when he misses us. He tells his mom he misses me but tells me he missed the dogs/my house/my mom. My mom and I invited him on vacation with us and he said he might come but he might get invited to something cooler. He teases me alot but sometimes sticks up for me to my mom. He tells his friends that hes at his parents friends house when he`s over here and when I ask him why he doesn`t say friends house he says im not his friend just his sister. We are close and do consider each other siblings as hes an only child and i`m the only kid at my home. But hes been acting kind of cocky lately and hurts my feelings alot. Him and my cousin are my only friends as I have severe social anxiety and have a hard time making friends.
Need to shut up my neighbor. Would this work?
I think its a good idea...just be sure to state that next time the police will be called and they could be charged with disturbing the peace. Hope it works out for you...
How to teach a deafmute?
I have a sister who is a deaf-mute and I want to educate her while she is in house. It's so hard to teach her even the alphabet. She has no interest in learning. All she wanted is to enjoy life. But, as a right of every Filipino citizen, I have to educate my sister. Please help me what to do. She's 18 years old.
Where in the Bible does it say we can ignore OT laws?
If it was Jesus saying "Only follow these two commandments: Love God and love your neighbor", then does that mean that it's ok to believe in false gods like Jesus?
Where do you begin when starting a new language?
I am obviously a native English speaker. I speak some Japanese and want to start learning Vietnamese. Should I learn the alphabet and the sounds first? Should I focus on reading and maybe translating? Anything would be helpful. Thanks!
Monday, July 11, 2011
What PS3 games should I add to my gaming library?
Big library lol. For me that is since I only have 10 games lmao. Well, surprisingly you dont have Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots. Really good game bro, you wont be disappointed. LA Noire is good as well. Resistance series are pretty good too. Get Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3. Killzone 3 is hella good.
Has Anybody Died On Whale wars?
You know the show whale wars well i havent seen it but i want to know has somebody on the steve irwin or bob barker ( i hope thats the names and sry if i got it wrong) ships died trying to save the whales? i just want to know oh and someone did can you list there full names plz thank you
R&P: Which one of these young men is the biggest d-bag?
That is really hard because they are all d-bag's, except John Lennon, John Lennon was in no way a d-bag. I really really don't like John Mayer only because he will f*ck anything that walks, and he makes terrible music!!!! Pete Wents is a dick though, and so is Travis Barker. I declare it is a tie between Travis Barker, Pete wents, and John Mayer.
Country song about a boy growing up realizing girls like boys with trucks?
I just want to know the name of the song or who wrote it.... it has a part where the boy is little and hes pulling the neighbors barbies around with his tonka truck? something like that. HELP
Can anyone help me write it out using its phonetics?
/nə.siːr/ This is the pronunciation of my name in my own language. When I try to write it with English alphabets, I cant write it. Because it is pronounced very differently from what it is in my language. I dont know which combination of letters to use to let others pronounce it correctly. I dont like to hear it be pronounced in a strange and funny way. Will a native speaker help me write a correct or at least an approximate spelling for it, please? Thanks alot for your answers in advance.
How to cork my baseball bat?
Ok so i originally wanted to cork my wooden baseball bat as a joke for those pick up games with all my friends and neighbors. you know as a joke to hit it far. ( not to use in a real game) but i discovered it was to hard to drill a hole intoo my wood bat so i decided to use my old metal baseball bat with a 2 1/4 in barrel.and i wanted to stuff tennis balls in there.... but the tennis balls are way to big! any ideas of what to put in it? and where should i get it from????
Does this make me look desperate?
I am 30 i dated my 27 year old neighbor. he came on to me initially and we wound up doing it. After a week we had our firs tfight and he wanted to break up. then when i got another guy who was visiting my hosue he got jealous and wanted me back. well, after that, we go tback together again but we had more fights and eventually broke up. After that, i went over crying telling him how much i miss him. he said that 'its not a good idea'. and he said he would be friends with benefits and nothing more. i said no.. just friends ( i dont want to be freinds with benefits im too attached). he eventually started saying he didnt want to talk at all cause he didnt think it was a good idea. well then he is now moving to a different place. he dropped a bomb on me and told me the day before. i was crying for two days. it made me miss him even more. i wound up calling him saying in a business like tone that i miss him and im sad he moved out and he can call me if he wants. he didnt say yes or no but sayd that he is really busy for the next 3 weeks. then when he came back to get a load of stuff, i went out and apolgoized if he moving cause of me and also to his mom. they said it was cause of the landlady. then i offered to help them and offered capris suns. i told him im sorry if i was a bad nieghbor. he smiled and said ' you wrent a bad neighbor.' they said they would be back to clean... i made him a picture i drew , and a mix cd and my daughter drew him some pictures. i was going to give them to him for a housewarming present for his new place. does that make me look desperate ? should i just leave hime alone or play hard to get or jus move on, or is it ok to give him the present / ?? THANKS !
Are my neighbours really weird or what, they really hurt me ? :(?
U shouldn't hav to feel uncomfortable in ur own home, if u let them say stuff like dat ur gonna end up believing them. How about if u shut ur curtains when appliying make up? Or when they say stuff retort bak by sayin "at least I look better than u" or answer bak sarcastically or completely ignore so they get bored. Don't let anyone bring u down sweetie <3
Can this be a fire hazard and is there anything we can do about it?
My house has a backyard that has a gate at the end. Our neighbor has a hedge that is overgrown. A lot of the plant is overgrowing on to our property. Our neighbor insists that is does not grow on our property and she refuses to cut it. Whenever we send our gardeners out to cut the PART OF THE PLANT THAT IS ON OUR PROPERTY, our neighbor always calls the police. Lastly, this could easily be a fire hazard. Most of the plant is dead and dry. But our neighbor insists on not cutting it to "give her privacy". So are we aloud to cut the part that is overgrown on our house?
Orphaned kitten care?
We found an orphaned kitten in our bushes the other night. I don't know how old he is (or even if he is a 'he'), or where the mother is. There are no 'Lost' signs around the neighborhood and some of our neighbors say he's been roaming around for awhile. Any tips on taking care of him until we find a good home?
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